Sac Fire/EMS Dispatch

Sacramento Regional Fire/EMS Dispatch – 9-1-1 Center

Training Room

Sacramento Regional Fire/EMS Communications Center (SRFECC) is the FIRE and EMS 9-1-1 dispatch center for all of Sacramento County.  SRFECC receives over 350,000 emergency phone calls per year and dispatches nearly 200,000 fire and medical emergency resources in response to these calls.

SRFECC provides fire protection and emergency medical service (EMS) dispatching for nearly all of Sacramento County and part of Placer County, covering over 1,000 square miles and serving over 2.1 million residents.  All 9-1-1 emergency calls are answered by the primary law enforcement agency; however, ALL calls that are fire or EMS in nature are immediately transferred to SRFECC.  All Dispatchers at SRFECC are Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Certified which allows lifesaving instructions to be provided over the telephone while first responders are enroute.

The hiring process for a prospective dispatcher starts with submitting an application, a telephone interview, and successfully passing our CritiCall test.  Applicants will then be invited to peer-panel interview.  Successful candidates will receive a conditional job offer or placed on a hiring list, pending a background check, psychological and medical exam.

Once you are hired, welcome to our Family and your training journey begins!  Dispatch Recruits attend a 8-week academy where you will learn the necessary skills to utilize our Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, appropriate questions to ask a 9-1-1 caller, and other necessary skills.  Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) and CPR certifications are also part of the training.

For more information please visit the SRFECC website.

For hiring and training information visit Dispatching as a Career.